Are You Making These 10 Social Security Mistakes? Fix Them Now!

Maximizing your Social Security benefits starts with avoiding common mistakes like claiming too early, ignoring spousal benefits, and missing earnings record errors. Learn how to fix these errors and boost your retirement income.

By Anthony Lane
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Are You Making These 10 Social Security Mistakes – Social Security benefits are a crucial part of retirement planning, yet many Americans make costly mistakes that reduce their payouts. Whether you’re approaching retirement or planning ahead, avoiding these errors can help you maximize your benefits and secure your financial future. In this article, we’ll explore the eight most common Social Security mistakes and how to fix them.

Are You Making These 8 Social Security Mistakes? Fix Them Now!
Are You Making These 10 Social Security Mistakes? Fix Them Now!

Are You Making These 10 Social Security Mistakes

TopicKey Information
Claiming Benefits EarlyReduces monthly payouts permanently. Waiting until Full Retirement Age (FRA) or age 70 increases benefits.
Understanding Benefit CalculationsBenefits are based on your highest 35 years of earnings. Gaps in work history lower benefits.
Spousal & Survivor BenefitsSpouses, ex-spouses, and survivors may qualify for additional benefits.
Taxes on Social SecurityUp to 85% of benefits may be taxed depending on total income.
Earning Too Much While CollectingEarning over $22,320 (2025 limit for early retirees) can reduce benefits.
Errors in Your Earnings RecordIncorrect earnings reports can reduce lifetime benefits. Always review your Social Security Statement.
Medicare Enrollment MistakesMissing Medicare deadlines can lead to penalties and coverage gaps.
Navigating the System AloneLack of guidance can lead to costly mistakes. Consult the Social Security Administration (SSA) or a financial advisor.
Not Knowing How COLA WorksSocial Security benefits increase with inflation, but it’s essential to understand how Cost-of-Living Adjustments (COLA) work.
Not Having a Social Security StrategyPlanning when and how to claim benefits can maximize retirement income.

Avoiding Social Security mistakes can maximize your retirement income and provide long-term financial stability. By delaying benefits, monitoring your earnings record, and understanding tax implications, you can make the most of your Social Security.

1. Claiming Benefits Too Early

While you can start collecting Social Security benefits at age 62, doing so permanently reduces your monthly payments. If you claim before Full Retirement Age (FRA) (which is 66 or 67, depending on birth year), your benefit is reduced by up to 30%.

How to Fix It:

  • If possible, delay claiming until age 70 to receive the maximum benefit.
  • Use the Social Security calculator on the SSA website to estimate benefits at different ages.


If your FRA benefit is $2,000/month, claiming at 62 reduces it to $1,400/month, while waiting until 70 increases it to $2,480/month.

2. Not Understanding How Benefits Are Calculated

Social Security is based on your highest 35 years of earnings. If you have fewer than 35 years, zero-income years are included, lowering your average earnings.

How to Fix It:

  • Work at least 35 years to maximize your benefits.
  • Review your earnings record on your SSA account.

3. Overlooking Spousal & Survivor Benefits

Spouses, ex-spouses, and survivors may qualify for benefits based on your earnings record.

How to Fix It:

  • Spouses can claim up to 50% of the higher-earning spouse’s benefit.
  • Widows/widowers can receive benefits as early as age 60.
  • Ex-spouses may qualify if the marriage lasted 10+ years.

4. Forgetting About Social Security Taxes

Social Security benefits are taxable if your combined income exceeds certain thresholds.

How to Fix It:

  • Keep income below $25,000 (individuals) or $32,000 (couples) to avoid taxation.
  • Consider Roth IRAs or tax-efficient withdrawals in retirement.

5. Earning Too Much While Collecting Benefits

If you claim Social Security before FRA and earn more than $22,320 (2025 limit), benefits will be temporarily reduced.

How to Fix It:

  • If still working, delay benefits until FRA to avoid penalties.

6. Not Checking Your Earnings Record for Mistakes

Errors in your earnings history lower your benefit calculation.

How to Fix It:

  • Log into your SSA account and verify your earnings annually.
  • If errors exist, provide W-2s, tax returns, or pay stubs to correct them.

7. Missing Medicare Enrollment Deadlines

If you don’t enroll in Medicare Part B at age 65, you may face penalties and gaps in coverage.

How to Fix It:

  • Sign up for Medicare during the 7-month Initial Enrollment Period (starting 3 months before your 65th birthday).
  • If still working, check with your employer’s health insurance policy.

8. Navigating Social Security Alone

Social Security rules are complex, and DIY planning can lead to costly mistakes.

How to Fix It:

  • Consult the Social Security Administration (SSA) or a financial advisor.
  • Use SSA tools like the Retirement Estimator.

9. Not Knowing How COLA Works

Social Security benefits include Cost-of-Living Adjustments (COLA), ensuring payments keep pace with inflation. However, these increases are not guaranteed each year.

How to Fix It:

  • Stay informed about annual COLA announcements.
  • Plan for retirement with a mix of Social Security, savings, and investments.

10. Not Having a Social Security Strategy

A well-planned Social Security claiming strategy can maximize your lifetime benefits.

How to Fix It:

  • Consider factors like health, longevity, financial needs, and spousal benefits before claiming.
  • Work with a financial planner to create a strategy.

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1. Can I change my Social Security claim after starting?

Yes, you can withdraw your application within 12 months and repay benefits, or suspend benefits at FRA to increase them later.

2. How do I check my Social Security earnings record?

Create an account on and access your Social Security Statement.

3. What happens if I keep working after claiming Social Security?

If you’re under FRA, benefits may be temporarily reduced if earnings exceed $22,320 (2025 limit).

4. Can I collect Social Security and a pension at the same time?

Yes, but Windfall Elimination Provision (WEP) and Government Pension Offset (GPO) may reduce benefits.

5. Are Social Security benefits automatically adjusted for inflation?

Yes, benefits include an annual Cost-of-Living Adjustment (COLA).

Anthony Lane
I’m a finance news writer for, passionate about simplifying complex economic trends, market updates, and investment strategies for readers. My goal is to provide clear and actionable insights that help you stay informed and make smarter financial decisions. Thank you for reading, and I hope you find my articles valuable!

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